Will you go?

Genesis 12:4a

Having lived around the Plano, TX, area for a month now, I have learned there are way too many roads and highways in the Dallas, TX, area. There never seems to be a shortage of drivers in Dallas. Therefore, I use my phone as my GPS to guide me where I need to go.

I have spent the past two weekends driving back and forth from The Colony, TX, to Fort Worth, TX. After going so much to Fort Worth in a short period, I thought I would have been able to make the hour trip without a GPS. However, I have not mastered that drive by myself.

Today's devotional focuses on the opening words of Genesis 12:4. Look at what it says, "So Abram went, as the Lord had told him." Most of us know that Abram was going to what would soon be the Promised Land. However, the exact location was not made known to Abram. He went solely on faith in God.

Most of us would not like to drive in a gigantic city without a GPS. Our anxiety would go through the roof of the car. The Bible does not say if Abram had an anxiety attack because he did not know where he was going. What we do learn is Abram went and followed God in faith.

At some point, God is going to call you to go. Perhaps God is calling you to go right now. Maybe it's to a new land, or perhaps it's to go and get off the couch and make His glory known in your city. The question is, "Will you go?"


What are you doing today?


Content in Christ