Who do you identify as?
Genesis 1:27
What better way to start the first day of the week than with a controversial question? Recent discussion of people going through identity crises, changing genders, and moving further away from God has fueled a generation of lostness. We are slowly losing a generation because they do not know who they are. They do not know who God is.
Talks of gender dysphoria and identifying as someone or something beyond who God created us to be starts when we begin worshipping ourselves. When we identify as the god of our life, we turn away from the Creator. We forget that we are clay to be molded by the Father.
God tells us in Genesis 1:27, "We are created in His image." The Bible helps us with our identity issues. We can look at our reflection in the mirror and see God's creation. You don't need to be confused about who you are.
John 1:12 reminds us that we are children of God when we call on Jesus and make Him the Lord of our life. Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that we are a new creation in Jesus.
The world leaves you in an identity crisis as more and more people try to push an agenda that tells you to worship yourself. The Bible states that we are created in God's image and can be a child of God and a new creation when we trust Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of our life.
We should not worry about the question, "What are your pronouns?" Instead, we should be more concerned with "Are you a child of God who faithfully follows and obeys Him?" How you answer the second question determines your identity.