“What’ll Ya Have?”

I have visited Atlanta, GA, a few times in my life. It never fails that every time I have visited Atlanta, I eat at least once at The Varsity. Eating at The Varsity has become a tradition.

Before eating at The Varsity for the first time, my parents told me that when you walk in, everyone will shout, "What'll Ya Have?" Sure enough, as I walked up to the counter, I was greeted by multiple people saying, "What'll Ya Have?"

A few days ago, I read John 6:1-14, John's version of the feeding of the 5,000. As I reflected on preparing for today's devotional, I thought about how Jesus takes what little we have to give to Him. He then takes the little and turns it into much.

Look at the faithfulness of the little boy. To us, two fish and five loaves of bread are not much. If we ate that for dinner, we would probably go to bed hungry that night. But, it is all the boy had, and he still surrendered it to Jesus. The boy had faith that Jesus could use what he had to offer.

As a fan of The Varsity in Atlanta, I think it would have been funny if, after Jesus took the boy's food, He say to the crowd, "What'll Ya Have?" He may not have said the famous line from The Varsity in Atlanta, but Jesus did offer more than enough food to those that heard His message that day.

Jesus honored the faithfulness of the young boy, and He will honor your faithfulness. He will take what little you have and turn it into something great for your good and His glory. Perhaps Jesus will take the little you have, turn it into something great, and then ask, "What'll Ya Have?"

Today, be faithful with what you have because you never know how Jesus will use it to bless others.


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