Is Your Light On?


Matthew 5:16

Every night a guy who worked at the railroad station would wave his lantern to let cars know a train was coming. He would also yell "Train coming, train coming" to let pedestrians know that a train would soon approach and they needed to be aware for their safety.

One night, a truck was driving along the road while a train was coming. The guy waved his arms and yelled as loud as he could to warn the driver that he was in danger. The guy who warned drivers tried to let the guy know he was in trouble if he did not stop driving. He waved his lantern to warn the driver, but, unfortunately, it did not work and the train collided with the truck with the driver inside.

The wife of the man driving the truck sued the worker for not doing enough to save her husband's life. In the courtroom, the judge as the man a series of questions. The judge asked questions such as, "Did you wave your lantern? Did you yell that a train was coming? Did you try to get the driver's attention?" The worker answered "Yes" to all of these questions. The judge ruled in favor of the train worker and let him go.

After the train worker left the courtroom, he whispered, "Good thing the judge did not ask me if my lantern was on."

I heard this story a few weeks ago, and it has not left my mind. It made me think of the question, "Is your light on?" Jesus, during his famous sermon, The Sermon on the Mount, spoke about being a light to the world. He challenged His listeners to reflect the light of Jesus.

The same is true for us today. Are you reflecting the light of Jesus? As Christians, we are to represent the character of Jesus. To represent Christ is to make sure our life demonstrates His character. To represent Christ, we need our light to be shining.

Is your light on?


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