What is Your Answer?

Matthew 16:13-17


Yesterday, I attended Prestonwood Baptist Church for the first time. I will be interning with the children's ministry from August 2022 to at least August 2023. My parents also attended yesterday's service with me before they left to return home to Mississippi. The guest preacher spoke on Matthew 16:13-17. I thought we delivered a great message. Therefore, I wanted to share some insight with everyone.

Jesus, in Matthew 16:13-17, asks who the people say He is before asking His disciples who they believe He is. How Peter answered Jesus' question says a lot about how we should answer the question.

Peter declared that Jesus is God's living Son. He proclaimed that Jesus is the Messiah. (verse 16) Every Christian should believe what Peter said. Peter's statement was so powerful that Jesus declared that He would build His church upon Peter's words. If Jesus said that about Peter's view, then we have no reason to doubt it is a significant sentence.

Everyone must answer Jesus' question. No one can go through life without having to answer it for themselves. Who do you say Jesus is? Where do you stand? What do you believe?

Maybe you have an answer already, or you are wrestling with how you will respond to Jesus. Let me encourage you today to examine yourself and ask if you believe what Peter said about Jesus.

What is your answer?


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