Not the Answer You were Looking for

July 25, 2022

Job 30:20

Lately, there have been situations where my prayers have been as short as, "God, why do you not answer me?" So, when a friend and I talked the other day about how we have been struggling with understanding God's plans and feeling like He does not answer us sometimes, I felt relief that others could relate to my frustrations.

Don't you hate when someone does not answer your questions? How would you feel if you were sitting next to your mom one night and you turned to ask her a question you needed answered, only for her to ignore you?

Sometimes, our relationship with God can feel the same way. For example, Job suffered more than we can imagine. Job began to wonder where God was and why He would not help his desperate situation. If there was ever someone who needed God to answer questions, it was Job. Yet, God never gave Job a reason why He allowed Job to suffer. God only reminded Job that He is in control because He is God.

While every Christian believes God is in control, sometimes it is hard to believe that. Job struggled, and we will struggle too. The question is, "When God tells us that He will remain faithful, will we trust His answer and that He is still faithful?"


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