Come to Life

John 14:6

What bold claim have you made recently? Perhaps you declared yourself the best employee in your company. If you are younger, maybe you told your friends you were the fastest kid on the playground. The point, at some point in our life, we have made a bold claim about ourselves.

Sometimes, making a bold claim can have negative effects on you. If you declared yourself the fastest kid on the playground, chances are someone will challenge you. "Prove it," someone might say, "Race me right now!" It is then you have no choice but to prove your bold claim. If you win the race, you prove your claim. But, if you lose the race, it will be a long day for you.

Jesus made many bold claims. The difference between us making a bold claim and Jesus making a bold claim is Jesus always backed it up. (I am sure Jesus can claim that He is the fastest on the playground.)

Jesus claimed that He is "The way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:6)

You must understand how big and bold that claim is. Jesus declared that there is no other way to Heaven but through Him. (John 14:6)

His claim here is more significant than saying, "I am the fastest kid on the playground," or "I am the best employee in the company." He declared Himself to be the life. Eternal life is found in Jesus.

You can come to that life today. You can come to the life that is Jesus. He is your only way into Heaven. Without coming to Life, you will not spend eternal life with Jesus.




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