You Are Needed in Your Community
You Are Needed in Your Community
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:25-26, "25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
We can often be guilty of thinking we are not good enough to serve our community. We often let distractions or lack of resources get in the way of being faithful to God. Sometimes, we are afraid of taking a step of faith and telling God that we want to be used by Him for His glory. We become comfortable with our daily lives instead of taking a bold step of obedience to what God wants to do in our lives.
The good news about God is that He is not only looking for those with resources. Instead, He is looking for a willing heart and mindset. One lady in the book of Acts demonstrates what it means to use your talents and obedience for God's glory. Today's devotional looks at the story of Tabitha, or Dorcas.
Dorcas's story comes only briefly after Saul's conversion to Jesus. A few verses from Saul's story in Acts 9, we read about Dorcas when Luke writes, "In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. (Acts 9:36, NIV)
Her community loved Dorcas. Many saw her as an asset to others. So, when Tabitha passed away, many were upset (Acts 9:37-39). Thankfully, Peter was in a nearby city. The city Dorcas lived in heard Peter had recently called for someone to be raised from the dead. Indeed, they thought that Peter could do the same for Dorcas.
Peter raised Dorcas from the dead in Jesus' name and His power. Dorcas was back with her community and could continue her good work in helping her community. But why?
Once Dorcas passed away, a group of widows were upset and mourning her death (Acts 9:39). Perhaps Peter knew these widows could receive the help that Dorcas would provide. We know that many people in Joppa believed in Jesus after seeing Dorcas come back alive. Acts 9:42 says, "This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord.
Your life has meaning and a purpose. Dorcas may not have been known worldwide, but her love and good work for her community made a difference in people's lives. Dorcas is an example of everyone having a role in their community. We are called to be united, not divided. Use your talents and good works to impact your community and bring God glory.
If you were to die today, would your absence leave a void in your community? What have you done to help your community today? How are you using the gifts God gave you to share His message with others who need to hear it?