When Others Hear You

Social media has changed our world, in both good and bad ways. You cannot deny, though, that it has changed how we communicate with others and how people perceive us.

Most of the time, people post pictures or write posts that show their good side, which opens the door to endless amounts of praise. We do not want people to see our bad side, nor do we want to expose our mistakes. Social media has made us more aware of our desire to be seen and heard.

John 4:39 says, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."

Over the past few weeks, we have seen a radical identity change in the woman at the well. She identified herself as someone who was not supposed to talk to Jews. Jesus brought up her past and reminded her, out of love, that she had made mistakes with her previous marriages. She went to get water at a time in the day that kept her from being seen by others who knew her past.

Don't miss the miracles in John 4:39. The woman at the well did not use social media to make herself look good. As far as the Samaritans knew, she was an outcast who had multiple husbands. But when she returned to her town after having met the Messiah, the woman at thewell was perceived differently. Because of her testimony, many Samaritans believed the words of Jesus, a Jew. Also, the Samaritans listened to the woman they once saw as an outcast.

The story of the woman at the well shows us how Jesus can change our identity. Because of her conversation with Jesus and the woman's courage to speak to people in her town, many Samaritans believed in Jesus. You may have a dark past that you want to forget. But your story can also encourage others to come to Jesus. Many Samaritans listened to the woman's story because they saw the change in her. Imagine who will listen to your story when they see the change Jesus did in your life.


Everything is Going Wrong


Identity Change