Everything is Going Wrong

I have had my fair share of moments where I complain and view everything as negative. One bad day can make me feel like my life is a trainwreck, and then I begin to fall into self-pity. A bad day can cause us to think negatively, even if our life has had many positives. For example, you just got a new position at your job. But a long and frustrating day can make you rethink why you applied for that position in the first place. Or, you try a new sport. But one bad game makes you want to quit.

Can you relate?

How would you like a series of bad things to happen to you? Joseph, in the book of Genesis, went through years of one bad event after another. While he may have been prideful to his brothers, he still did not deserve to be thrown into a pit and sold into slavery (Genesis 37). Joseph also did not deserve to be falsely accused of having a sexual encounter with Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39). Then, Joseph did not deserve to be forgotten by someone who said he would remember Joseph (Genesis 40:23).

A series of terrible and unfair events could lead us to question God's motives. Many of us would love to ask God, "Why did you allow this to happen?" Perhaps at one point, Joseph asked this question. But we do know that Joseph knew that God was using these misfortunes for a reason.

Years after being sold into slavery, Joseph reunited with his brothers. He explained that God was aware of everything that was happening to him. Joseph said, "7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 8 "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt (Genesis 45:7-8).

Many things go wrong in life, and sometimes, it takes a while to get better. God does not promise to make our life perfect. Instead, God promises His guidance and grace. Maybe you are in a season of life where nothing is getting better. Your car is broken, your house is falling apart, your marriage is about to end, or you're not getting the respect you deserve at your job.

It took years for Joseph to tell his brothers that God was in control all the time. I cannot tell you when your suffering will end or when your life will stop being difficult. I wish I knew when misfortunes in my life would stop. But there is something good on the other side of your pain. One day, on this earth or in eternity, you will know God is working amid your difficulty.


Sometimes the Problem is You


When Others Hear You