The Last Week: Time with Others
John 12:1-3
Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
We like to celebrate and cheer when good things happen. We just celebrated the ringing in of the new year with parties, fireworks, and so much more. When Jesus lived on the earth, he celebrated exciting times with friends. For example, He celebrated with friends after Lazarus was raised from the dead.
After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11), He joined Mary, Martha, and Lazarus for dinner in Bethany. Just days before He went to the cross, Jesus spent time with friends. He celebrated with friends. If we knew we would die in a matter of days, would we celebrate a friend's accomplishment or focus on ourselves?
Jesus focused on others' accomplishments instead of His personal dilemma. He celebrated Lazarus instead of focusing on His incoming death.
In these three verses, there are four lessons for us to learn from everyone involved.
1. Lazarus- Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus. He was given a new life. I can only imagine that when people saw Lazarus after he was brought back to life, he told everyone about what Jesus did for him. From Lazarus, we learn to share our personal testimony of what Jesus has done for us.
2. Martha- Two words in verse 2 describe Martha, "Martha served." Martha served Jesus. She put His needs above her own needs. How can you serve Jesus today?
3. Mary- Do you know how much the perfume that Mary poured on Jesus's feet was worth? That perfume was worth a year's wages. Could you sacrifice something that expensive? Mary performed one of the most outstanding examples of sacrifice and worship. Is God calling you to sacrifice something significant? Is God calling you to give up something you find valuable?
4. Jesus- Days before He went to the cross, Jesus was not trying to live His best life. He was not doing things that focused just on Him. His focus was on others. How can you put others before yourself today?
Who needs to hear your personal testimony of what Jesus has done for you?
How can you serve Jesus today?
What is God calling you to give up in sacrifice?
How can you put others before yourself today?