The Last Week 6: Jesus Taught Others
John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Today's devotional is the second to last one in our series on the last week of Jesus. One thing that is for sure is Jesus lived a different kind of last week on earth. We would make it all about us if we had one week to live. We would go on our dream vacation or spend every dollar we had in our bank account. Why not? We cannot take earth with us when we die. So why not live your best life if you had one week to live?
I am encouraged and thankful that Jesus is not like us. He lived His last week differently. He washed others' feet, rode donkeys, and made promises to others. Today, we will focus on how Jesus took one final moment to teach His disciples.
Seminary and working in a church will teach you that it takes time to study Scripture and then right a Bible lesson. Pastors often spend hours preparing their Sunday message. I even take time to prepare these devotionals.
Knowing that it takes a while to prepare a devotional or a Sunday sermon should make us wonder why Jesus chose to teach in His final hours on earth. Again, Jesus lived His final moments differently from what we would do if we knew our time of death.
Look at our verse today. Jesus says in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Reading these words from Jesus should encourage us to remember why Jesus taught His disciples in His final moments. He knew a time was coming when the disciples would be scattered. Jesus knew hard times were coming their way. Also, Jesus knows hard times will come our way, and we will need Him in these moments.
Jesus taught in His final moments to remind us that peace is found in Him. He could have done anything else in His last moments on earth. Thankfully, Jesus chose to remind us where peace is found. Jesus taught that we might remember to have courage in Him.
Jesus said these words in John 16:33 at a time when the disciples needed courage and peace. These words are still true for you today. They are true for anyone who needs courage and peace.
He is still with you.