The Last Week 5: Jesus Made Lots of Promises
John 15:4
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Has someone ever promised you that they would do something and then not follow through? How many times have you heard, "I promise I will get that done"? The problem with humans making problems is there is always the possibility that the promise will be broken. Don't you want to trust in someone who keeps their promises?
There is hope for your broken promises because Jesus has never broken a promise. When Jesus says He will do something, you have no reason to doubt Jesus.
Last week, I talked about the final meal Jesus shared with His disciples and the controversy of Judas beginning the plot to betray Jesus. It was at this time Jesus knew His hours were numbered. Not His days, but His hours. Jesus had only a few hours left to live.
So what did Jesus do next? Did He live His final moments with a "You Only Live Once" (YOLO) attitude? No. Instead, He still took time to put others before Himself. John 15-17 are some of Jesus's final words, and for the next three weeks, we will look at these chapters to close out this series.
Today, we will look at the promises Jesus made. I said earlier, Jesus has never broken a promise. He never will. So, when you read today's verse and notice that JHim,s tells us to remain in HIm e will remain in you, then you should believe this to be true.
I don't know about you, but I want to trust someone who has never broken a promise. While Jesus gave these instructions to His disciples before Judas betrayed Him, His promises are still true. Jesus sp, speaks to us through His Word and these words come directly from His mouth.
We remain in Jesus and He remains in us. I want Jesus to remain in me so I can bear His fruit. Apart from Jesus, you and I cannot bear fruit. Jesus, hours before His death, made the promise to be with those who remain in HIm. He is alive today, and so are His promises. Let's remain in Jesus today because His promises never fail.