God Knows What He is Doing

Hindsight is 20/20.

Sometimes, you can only do so much for a situation. You can try to fight evil and stand up for what is right. However, there will come a time when you realize you are limited in your abilities. You can only do so much. Sometimes, the only thing you can do when life gets difficult and you face a trial is to let God act. Letting God take control should be the first thing you should do when life gets difficult.

One woman in the Bible knew her limits. She knew there was only so much she could do when her life got complicated. That woman was Moses's mother. Before we are introduced to her, we read that the king of Egypt made a ruling to have all baby boys killed. The king of Egypt says, "When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live" (Exodus 1:16, NIV).

Then, Moses's mother became pregnant with him (Exodus 2:2). She knew it was wrong to have her baby boy murdered. However, what could a Levite woman do against the king's order? She did what we all should do: trust the one true King. Moses's mother did what she could to act against evil. But she also trusted God to intervene and protect her son. Instead of having Moses killed, Moses's mother hid him and set him free down a river (Exodus 2:3-4).

Moses's story continues, and Pharaoh's daughter discovers him. She then gave Moses back to his mother and said to her, "Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you" (Exodus 2:9, NIV)

Hindsight is 20/20. What seemed to be a heartbreaking moment for Moses's mother to be separated from her child proved to be a courageous moment for her. She trusted God was in control, and evil was not. She acted with courage to stand up for what was right.

The one constant in this story is that God was and still is in control. You may feel worn down by the difficulties you are facing. You may want to give up because evil seems to always win. But once your trial is over and you see that God was with you the entire time, you remember how faithful He is. God knew what he was doing in Moses's life because He chose Moses to lead His people out of slavery.

When faced with a difficult time, remember that God knows what He is doing, and trust Him to use you. All God needs from you is faith that He is in control.


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