Don’t Rob People of the Joy God has given them

July 11, 2022

Exodus 18:17-23

I titled today's devotional "Don't Rob People of the Joy God has given them" because it is a phrase I heard in 2020 when I thought I could not accept all the help someone offered. As I explained to a friend what someone offered to do for me, my friend responded word for word the title of today's devotional.

Lately, I have been thinking about this phrase because Know Ministries has six different Bible distribution opportunities coming up, and, chances are, I will not be at any of them. (There is a chance I can be at one of them.)

I have missed distribution events before, but that was due to shipping the Bibles instead of hosting an event. This time is different. I cannot be at these events due to schedule conflicts. A part of me is upset because I want to be there. But then I thought about how God is using these six events and other factors to teach me the importance of "delegating."

Moses learned this lesson as well. Today's verses come from Exodus 18:17-23, where Moses' father-in-law reminded Moses of the importance of having others help him. Personally, verse 18 hits me hard. I am willing to admit I have a terrible habit of trying to do everything alone. But, if trying to do everything himself was too much for Moses, then the same is true for you and I. God sends people to help remind us that everyone plays a role in sharing the gospel. I feel like a hypocrite in saying this, but it is essential to have others help you.

You can quickly burn yourself out if you do not have help. When someone asks to help you further God's Kingdom, do not rob the joy God has placed on their hearts. Do not stand in the way of God's plans for someone. Moses could have easily said, "No, I got this. I can handle it." You might be saying the same thing now. I want to say the same thing regarding the six distribution events Know Ministries has coming up. But, if we do not allow people to help us, we could be standing in the way of someone receiving a blessing from God. Today, remember the importance of delegating tasks and letting others help you. Even Jesus had twelve men help Him.


Mountain High to Valley Low
