Evil Always Wins… Or Does It?
Psalm 37:12-13 (NIV) says, "The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.
Have you ever heard the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Maybe you've asked that about yourself. Perhaps right now, you are on the verge of giving up on God because you cannot understand the evil in the world. Nonbelievers and atheists love to ask questions that start with "How can a loving God...?"
The Bible is full of stories where it seems like evil has won. Here are a few examples:
1. Noah endured people's mockery for 120 years before the rain came.
2. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, accused of something he did not do, thrown into prison, and forgotten.
3. Job lost everything.
4. David, author of Psalm 37, had his enemies plot to kill him when he was supposed to be king.
5. Daniel was thrown in the lion's den.
6. Nobody listened to Isaiah.
7. Paul was shipwrecked.
But in everything listed above, God was still faithful because He knew the plans of the wicked could not stand. What evil are you facing now, and what evil in your life seems to be winning? Are you beaten down so much that you feel God is never going to intervene and the wicked is going to beat you?
I am unsure what the men above felt throughout their season of waiting on God, but I know they were faithful. They did not have the Bible or stories of God's faithfulness. But we do. We can learn from the wisdom of the Bible as we remember that evil will have its final judgment.
One of the biggest temptations in facing evil is the desire to take control of the situation. You want vengeance. You want others to hurt the way you do. The promises of God outstrengthen the temptation of vengeance.
Evil will face God, and that's a battle where the winner is already determined. Whatever evil overtakes your life now, know their day is coming soon.
Sources: Bible Ref, Enduring World